Company name: OHFX ENTERTAINMENT, S.L. (Holicompany)

Address: C/ Industria, 4; 08592 SANT MARTÍ DE CENTELLES (Barcelona)

C.I.F.: B64770381

Telephone: 938125572

E-mail: info@holicompany.com

Website:  www.holicompany.es


All information requested in the contact form must be filled in truthfully.

- Personal data of the applicant.

Personal data is provided directly by the interested parties themselves in order to manage the request for information. We may collect personal identification and contact data.

Finally, information will be sent by electronic means on future activities carried out by the entity to those interested parties who, duly informed during data collection, do not oppose it.

- Requesters of information

The personal data comes from the interested party, who provides it to us by completing the contact form on the website, by calling us by phone, by sending us an email or through queries on the social networks in which the entity is present.

These data are used for the purpose of resolving queries and providing information of a commercial nature to those who request it or expressly authorize it, mainly by email.


Legitimation – First of all, we can process the data because the interested parties themselves or their managers provide it to us to manage their registration as a user on the web.

We also ask these people for permission to process their data, for cases in which current legislation requires it, mainly in relation to sending commercial emails.

Finally, sometimes a law will ask us to present or keep certain documentation in which personal data of our clients may appear, such as the General Tax Law, so we must treat this data in compliance with it.

Conservation – Once the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, it will be kept at the disposal of the competent public administrations, judges and courts during the legal conservation periods, that is, as long as a law may require us to present it. Once these terms have expired, they will remain blocked until their subsequent destruction or deletion is possible.


We do not transfer personal data to third parties nor do we have providers that provide us with services based outside the European Union.


El consentimiento para los siguientes tratamientos se recoge de manera libre, específica, informada e inequívoca mediante casillas en los propios formularios.

Además, si usted no desea recibir comunicaciones por correo electrónico podrá oponerse de manera sencilla en los mismos formularios.

- Oposición a recibir comunicaciones electrónicas.


Usted podrá:

- Retirar su consentimiento o ejercer sus derechos de:

·       Access, or know what personal data we process about you.

·       Rectification, or correct incorrect or inaccurate personal data.

·       Deletion, or to eliminate the personal data we have about you.

·       Opposition, or that we stop processing your personal data.

·       Limitation, or to restrict the treatment that we carry out.

·       Portability, or that we provide you with your personal data.

Regarding personal data, presenting a copy of an identification document and briefly stating your case and the right you want to exercise, by letter addressed to Company Name: OHFX ENTERTAINMENT, S.L. with address at C/ Industria, 4; 08592 SANT MARTÍ DE CENTELLES, Barcelona or to info@holicompany.es

You can find more information about your rights or file a claim with the competent control authority at the Spanish Data Protection Agency http://www.agpd.es - C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid (901 100 099 - 912 663 517)